Do You Remember that Embarrassing Thing from Fifth Grade?

When I first went to the Moth to tell stories, back in 2017, one of the regulars there was a woman around my age who consistently told moving stories and told them well. She was naturally funny and got lots of laughs. The crowd and the judges loved her. I kind of hated her.

My kind-of-hatred was fueled by jealousy of her success. But as we both returned repeatedly, we ended up chatting about storytelling, (a difficult thing to do well), the Moth judges (sometimes sketchy) and the other regular storytellers (always characters). Once I realized she loved stories as much as I did, and we enjoyed each other’s stories, we became friends We’ve been friends ever since.

I was as dumb as one of my dogs, barking like crazy at whoever just appeared at our front door, but then realizing it’s the nicest person in the world. Stupid dogs.


The Gift of Storytelling

Her gift in storytelling is to remove all filters and pretenses and tell the truth with unflinching clarity. Her humor emerges from that truth. It’s kind of like what makes Stand-Up comedy work: share all your most embarrassing moments, and people will laugh.

I guess that’s a lesson we all learn in fifth grade, like when you laugh during lunch and blow milk through your nose. Or sneeze a big snot-blob during the math lesson. Or fart.

Most of us use that lesson to hide the embarrassing truth from others the rest of our life; a few lean into the embarrassment and get a few extra laughs with it.


“Anybody here been to fifth grade?”

Story Connections

It’s also pretty easy to empathize with someone once they’ve shared stuff about their background. You may not end up friends, but you can at least appreciate them more.

That’s the nifty thing about stories, films, and novels. We all share in the experience of the telling/viewing/reading, and it binds us together a bit, if only for a little while.

This will probably never happen, but I think it’d help in politics if candidates could figure out how to lean into their embarrassing stuff. Of course, they’re focused on projecting strength while also attracting donations. But if, instead, they told the story of that time they got caught farting in the toy department of a Target, and blamed it on some kid, I think we could all relate.

Not that I’ve ever been caught farting in a Target.

Anyway, my friend went into surgery yesterday to deal with the return of her cancer and I’m telling a bit of her story as my way to think good thoughts about her, and maybe bind us all together as we think of loved ones dealing with some more of the unfun stuff we deal with in life.


Meanwhile, at My Writing Desk…

I’ve officially started on the next novel and some humor writing while waiting for feedback on the most recent novel. I’m pretty sure I’m going to publish Ashley Undone, a story that’s like if a pissed-off Cinderella took on Lucille Booth (the mom from Arrested Development).

People who like fart jokes are going to love it.

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Next Picayune

I’ll be back in two weeks with more stories. Until then, thanks for reading the Mickey Picayune!

All the best,
